IN SEARCH OF: “TINKER-MATERIALS” Donate Used Arts + Craft Supplies! The January Cure Starts Here!
TINKER PATROL CALL TO ACTION: Don’t let these materials go to waste! Give ’em a home at Tinkertopia. Donate any of these fine materials listed below today… And know that your hoard will be transformed into something magical. Your local art students will thank you, we call this cycle “The Great Material Continuum” + LOCAL PICKUPS AVAILABLE, depending on the mood of our volunteer van driver. DROP OFFS, now by appointment only.. PLEASE EMAIL a description of items and estimated box/bag volume size.. | consult our in-store IN SEARCH OF newsletter here – New Years Resolution: Tidy UP!
- Animals
- Antlers
- Axles
- Bags
- Baskets
- Beads
- Beakers
- Beanbags
- Bearings
- Bells
- Bendies
- Biscuits
- Blinkers
- Blocks
- Bobbins
- Bottle Caps
- Bowling Pins
- Brackets
- Bricks (legos)
- Brushes
- Bugs
- Burlap Sacks
- Buttons
- Buzzers
- Cards
- Cars
- Cast Offs
- Cassette Tapes
- Chains
- Chimes
- Clamps
- Clappers
- Clips
- Clocks
- Corks
- Crystals
- Cubes
- Dice
- Dinosaurs
- Doodads
- Dowels
- Erasers
- Fabric
- Fat Quarters
- Feathers
- Flaps
- Flowers
- Floppy Disks
- Fossils
- Foreign Coins
- Funnels
- Board Game Boards
- Game Pieces
- Gears
- Googly Eyes
- Holes
- Hooks
- Hoops
- Horns
- Hoses
- How To Books
- Keys
- Knobs
- Leather
- Lenses
- Lego Minifigs
- Letters
- Lights
- Logs
- Magnets
- Magnifiers
- Mailboxes
- Maps
- Marbles
- Medals
- Mirrors
- Models
- Motors
- Nicknacks
- Nozzles
- Numbers
- Paints
- Paper
- Pellets
- Pencils
- Pianos
- Photos
- Pins
- Pinwheels
- Pipettes
- Plugs
- Poppers
- Propellers
- Punches
- Puzzles
- Pyramids
- Rainbows
- Reams
- Reflectors
- Ribbons
- Ringers
- Rings
- Rolls
- Rubber Bulbs
- Rubber Stamps
- Samples
- Scraps
- Sewing Machines
- Shapes
- Shells
- Spools
- Spoons
- Sprockets
- Squirters
- Stickers
- Stones
- Stoppers
- Strings
- Stuffing
- Suction Cups
- Swatches
- Switches
- Tacks
- Tape
- Test Tubes
- Threads
- Tidbits
- Tiles
- Tins
- Tool Boxes
- Tools
- Tops
- Trains
- Traps
- Trinkets
- Trophies
- Tubes
- Typewriters
- Washers
- Weights
- Wheels
- Whistles
- Windups
- Wires
- X-rays
- Yarns
- Zippers
Material Donation FAQs – How to Supply Tinkertopia with Alt. Craft Materials for Art!
CAN I JUST DROP STUFF OFF? One or Two sorted bags of things you’ve dropped off in the past, sure. A full-carload of materials you think we may like… please schedule a time to drop off! Space is extremely limited and our sorting area is our maker-space 🙂 MATERIALS MUST BE CONTAINED IN STACKABLE BOX or Grocery sack for smaller loads. Emptying a reusable container onto our check out counter is not ideal.
ITEMIZED RECEIPTS? Although it is TRUE that Tinkertopia™ was born out of the community-driven, non-profit 501c SpaceWorks Tacoma, we are currently operating as a micro, for-profit mom&pop LLC. THUS AND SO we cannot offer any tax write-off paperwork in exchange for material donations. We have no million-dollar CEOs, but we work hard to make rent (we love you UWT) and proudly pay taxes!
DO YOU BUY STUFF? We do not buy. We do not buy. We do not buy. We do not buy. There is no money.
I DON’T HAVE ANY STUFF, BUT I WOULD LIKE TO DONATE MONEY…? Yes, You can become a financial supporter of Tinkertopia by clicking here…
SCHEDULE A TINKERMOBILE RUN, But mostly drop off times weekly!
Tinker Döstädning
What is Swedish death cleaning? Swedish death cleaning is a well-known concept in Swedish and Scandinavian culture, where you work on eliminating unnecessary items from your home, so loved ones won’t be burdened with the task after you pass, Tinkertopia can help!
DO NOT WANT: We will politely decline on the following items… ¡no, gracias!
Please recycle or trash where appropriate. Contact with questions! These items are typically too sticky, smelly and or gross for our material sorting volunteers…
- Deck Stain
- Baby Toys
- Old Batteries
- Bubble Wrap
- Cat Food Cans
- Old Clothing
- Couch Foam
- CFL Bulbs
- Chew Toys
- Canning Lids
- TV Dinners
- Egg Cartons
- Foam Meat Trays
- House Paint
- Juice Lids
- Kitchen Appliances
- Kitchen Wares
- Mattress
- Gross Medical Waste
- Plastic Mesh
- Pill Bottles
- Vacuum Cleaners
- Shampoo Bottles
- Tiny Fabric Scraps
- Toiletries
- Wrapping Paper
- fast food
- Lazy-boy Recliners
- Yogurt Containers
SEE: Your Materials UPCYCLED by our Tinker Cadets!
Sold as discount “alt. art materials” to art students on campus AND as part of our all-you-can-use salad bar of TINKER MATERIALS in our TINKERSPACE ACTIVITY CRAFT ROOM! Here are some examples of real “Tinker Creations” below…